The Basement Kings are in the business of assisting homeowners and contractors in building basements.

We act on behalf of our clients to aid them in the process of understanding how a basement is built, helping them choose a contractor, and if necessary build the basement on their behalf. Our primary function is offering advice to our clients as consultants, so they can be assured they have a basement professional working on the project. Building a basement is a very complicated process, especially in states like Texas & Oklahoma where only a handful of contractors has the skills to build them effectively. We provide services that actually break up the building process, to assure finding contractors is easy.

Texas doesn’t have a shortage of contractors; it only has a shortage of companies who know how to build basements.  We do all the hard work and actually pre-package your basement spec’s where any group of contractors can easily construct it.
Throughout the building process we are here to continually answer questions and help you solve any problems that arise.  Our on-line service places a basement specialist at your service 24 hours a day.
We offer advice and solutions to problems that very few builders have ever encountered.  Offering advice and solutions has given homeowners the opportunity to act as their own general contractor.

  • We have proven that once the basement is built nearly any builder can easily finish the home.
  • The Basement Kings have no pre-set limits or minimum standards of how small or large a basement has to be.
  • As consultants we don’t care what type or size basement you build because our rates are the same.
  • We have no preferences on which designer, builder or contractors you use for your project.
  •  Our role is simple, teach you what you don’t know, guide you through the process and help you save money building your basement.

As you might have imagined our services are not free and we do not offer free advice.  We can almost guarantee that our fees can easily be worth three times what we charge for any service we provide.  We don’t compete against any builder or contractor when it comes to building basements in Texas & Oklahoma.

What surprises most people is the fact that we don’t attempt to sell anyone on our service, but in-fact often times suggest other builders do the actual construction.  Without asking for finder’s fees or reciprocal relationships with contractors or builders we offer the names and phone numbers of perceived competitors.

The simple truth is we are less concerned about selling to everyone that calls and more concerned with the expansion of basement being built in southern states.

People keep asking us, “how do you intend to change people’s minds about having a basement in the deep south when homes built on slab foundations are the norm”? Our belief is that we don’t have to change any one’s mind, all we have to say is “having a basement in Texas & Oklahoma is possible”.

Order a consult today and don’t waste your money building a home without a basement.  Our clients feel that we earn our fees by saving them time and money.  We would say that no one else does what we do better, but  in reality the truth is – in Texas & Oklahoma no one does what we do period!

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