Storm Cellars

We also offer storm cellars, protective shelters and safe rooms.

With the help of government-supported programs refocusing from attacks to natural disasters, it has taken many years for the country to begin seriously thinking about protective shelters.  The best reason to build one today relates to the fact that the federal government now offers financial incentives to homeowners who construct storm cellars.

Basement Kings | Storm Cellars

The second best reason to build a shelter today is for the same reason many farm communities built them in the past – tornadoes!  All across the south storm cellars, protective shelter and basements were built so residents could seek refuge.  Due to the fact that tornadoes have the ability to target its energy in small concentrated areas, their effects mimic that of a large explosion and leveling small towns.  Consider the fact that they shatter buildings, drive straws through solid wood and even lift large locomotives from their tracks in just a matter of seconds.

Today tornadoes have begun changing how they move and act while on the ground.  They use to act like a top jumping from home to home sparing one house while destroying the home next to it.  The tornados of today stay on the ground longer and expand outward in some cases up to seven miles wide sparing nothing in its path.  A storm shelter, storm cellar or small basement may be your only means of survival if you live in one of the southern states like Oklahoma, Texas and even Florida.

Let us educate you about the difference between building a storm cellar, protective shelter or mini-basement.  We offer assistance designing, building or installing nearly every form of shelter that can protect you and your family.  Our advantage is that we understand that every family don’t have the same financial budget.  As a consultant all our fees are the same so we don’t push any particular model, brand or style of shelter.  Models are built out of steel, with steel reinforcement, concrete block and even fiberglass.  Give us a call today and we will help you find a shelter or build a cellar that bests fit your family size and budget.

Basement Kings | Storm Cellars

Factors to consider with a closed shelter – if the home collapse on the shelter, how do you let people know your under the rubble? How do you call for help once you survive the storm?  If the small area quickly floods what do you do with the water?  How big should the shelter be? What is the difference between all three shelters?  How are they different from each other?  Does the government help build all three?  Can you remove them when you sell your home?  Do you have to worry about air?  How long can you stay inside?  Can they be built on site? Where can they be added on a home? Any restrictions from building your own shelter?  Who regulates them FEMA, NSSA, ICC, IBC, Red Cross or your local town?  Does it have to be tested or inspected and by whom.

Let the Basement Kings help you in your quest for answers, we’ll save you time and money – guaranteed!